BetesBlog / Big Moments / Lifestyle

Betes Bride

While I’m always a #BetesBoss, on March 30th, 2019 I was a #BetesBride! With extensive planning and support from my loved ones, my wedding day ran exactly how I wanted it to. Here’s how:

T H E – D R E S S

For my wedding dress, my seamstress created a pump pocket for me at the bottom of my dress and my sensor on my arm was covered by the beading on my dress. Normally I just stick my pump in my bra when I wear a dress but I wouldn’t have been able to access it easily in my wedding dress. The ‘pump’ pocket worked well!

T H E – B E T E S – B R I D E – C A R R Y – A L L

It’s all in the name.. I created this cute tote to carry all of my extra supplies: my pump/sensor supplies if a change was needed, vials of insulin, needles for an emergency, juice, snacks + frosting for lows, water, a tide to go pen, tampons (normal girl stuff too) and really anything else my bridesmaids needed. My cute little purse that matched my dress had my “blood machine” as I call it (glucometer), a juice box, my phone, and my lipstick. My beautiful Mom, the real MVP – the BEST BetesMOM, was in charge of this bag (Thanks for all you do, Mommy).

P R O P E R – P L A C E M E N T

When we got to church my Aunt Jackie took my BetesBride Tote and had it in her pew (she was in one of the first benches in church so if I needed anything it was there). She also put my little purse (with my blood machine/juice) under my chair at the alter. My soon to be husband also had a juice box in his suit (just in case) – I’m pretty sure some of my groomsmen did too.

C G M – S E N S O R + P U M P

Since my pump was easily accessible thanks to my pump pocket – I could sit down and glance at it to see my CGM number. My blood sugar was pretty good all day, I ran a “Temp Target” of 150 like I would for a workout. My endo and I decided that for that day we would keep my range higher so I wouldn’t go low from all of the excitement, running around, and dancing. It worked! I DID go a little low after pictures at my reception venue. I just told everyone we needed a minute and my Sister-in-Law, Sashia, got me food from cocktail hour and we were on our way! Sashia was really always by my side when I needed her (thanks girl!).

With these key items I had a beautiful day and diabetes didn’t run the whole experience. Diabetes is always a part of my life and my family’s lives but with proper planning and a little help from your loved ones, it doesn’t have to be the star. On this day, this BetesBride was the star, and my handsome, wonderful, supportive and loving Husband of course!