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Gym Workouts & Temp Targets

If you know me, you know I hate working out, I also hate trying to keep my blood sugar good during and post workout. But it’s leg day today so here I am with my wonderful husband, Eddie — who happens to love working out (@expalfini).

P R E – W O R K O U T

I started out with a beautiful blood sugar of 107! I put my pump into ‘temp target’ for a half hour which means my pump and sensor will make my blood sugar target 150 instead of 100-110 because the exercise will bring my sugar down a bit. Because my workout would be about 1hr-1.5hrs I wanted the temp target to only be for half the workout and then back to normal. I’ve tried doing the temp target for the whole workout in the past which then resulted in a higher blood sugar number post workout (which I don’t want). So this is what we’re trying today…lol

D U R I N G / P O S T

About 20 minutes into my workout I start to drop, the sensor shows 77 ⬇️ with a down arrow which means it’s dropping. I give it a few minutes to see if I will level out, but I don’t so I drink my trusty juicy juice(15g of carbs).

I wait a couple minutes until I level out and complete my workout. Post workout I’m at a perfect 115. ✅


Why did I drop during my workout? Now in a perfect world my pump and sensor should be automatically adjusting how much insulin I’m getting to balance my sugars. But sometimes it can’t adjust fast enough, or I just ate a late breakfast an hour prior so I still had insulin ‘on deck,’ and I’m about to get my period so my hormones are effecting my blood sugars, and legs are a more intensive workout so that effects it too. I just try to make what I think are the right moves and always make sure I’m prepared to adjust if needed. Diabetes isn’t black and white, and this is just one example of how much thought and planning needs to go into my day and this was just about an hour and a half of my day.

I did everything I was supposed to do but I still needed that juice to carry me through the workout — regardless I’m counting this as SUCCESS 😎