#BetesBoss / BetesBlog / Big Moments / Positive Vibes

Big Announcement

✨This is the face of a girl with an A1c of 6.8!! ✨ 

Let me say it again for the people in the back👏SIX👏POINT👏EIGHT. . . 

My a1c hasn’t been this low since before I was diagnosed with diabetes. My goal for the past few years has been to get my a1c into the 6’s. Now, I am by no means done, but I am on my way to the new goal of 6.0. But I’m going to take this moment, I’m going to give myself this one. I’ve WORKED for this. I make decisions about my blood sugar every second of the day.

Now let me back track, last Friday, March 13th, was my 29th birthday. I woke up to so much birthday love and wishes from my amazing family and friends. It was also my 19th year of living with diabetes (my Diaversary). Yes, I was diagnosed with diabetes on my 10th birthday.

I’ll never say I’m happy I have diabetes, of course, but diabetes is my struggle, the shadow that’s been walking with me for 19 years. She forces me to WORK, forces me to stay determined, to keep learning, and to be an advocate for myself. Because if I don’t, I will die. I don’t mean that in a figurative way, it’s that simple. Because of diabetes I can handle the other hurdles in life, and like all of us I’ve had them – but I’ve handled them with strength and poise.

This isn’t supposed to be a downer.. I just need people to understand that Type 1 Diabetics have to “manage” their condition 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By “manage” I mean, make life altering decisions all day, like manually dosing yourself — it’s like juggling three batons that are lit on fire while balancing on a tight rope suspended over a stage like a circus act. Like most of us, I act like it’s no big deal, and “I GOT THIS”, and I do, but it’s not easy. It’s not like you follow the rules and diabetes follows suit. What happens is you follow the rules, the wind blows, a bird sings, and diabetes laughs, and my pre-bolus doesn’t do SHIT this morning, even though it worked yesterday for breakfast and I ate the same thing at the same time. And so I correct and check my blood again in a bit, and my pump will beep, and I’m smiling and saying, it could be worse. Of course it could be worse, it could always be worse. But as a T1D, I’m acknowledging the struggle, I’m acknowledging my fellow diabetics, and I’m acknowledging all of our friends and families who are here to catch us when we fall and cheer us on when we win. 

6.8 is a WIN. 🏆 6.8 is proof that for most of the time I’m making the right decisions, I’m doing the math, I’m taking notes, I’m adapting, and when diabetes doesn’t follow the rules I adjust it quickly.

When my doctor called me for our first ever “virtual” phone call appointment in light of the current climate, I pick up the phone and I start rattling off the questions I had for her and my ideas for some adjustments to make. Dr. Farghani had to stop me and tell me she had good news. Now, I LOVE my endo, I know most people don’t, but I am very lucky to have found Dr. Farghani, it took a LONG time, but that’s a story for another day. But I’ll tell you, me and Dr. Farghani vibe, she’s a badass chick, she talks fast and loud, she’s tough, but she’s compassionate and caring, and she knows her shit — you see why we vibe? lol

Dr. Farghani has seen how much I’ve been working and she’s been with me through the whole process. So she stops me mid-rant and goes “ALYSE, YOU DID IT, 6.8!” and we screamed and yelled and cheered, she told me we will do our happy dance together after social distancing is over and we can have a face-to-face appointment. Don’t worry Doc, I’m still doing my happy dance over here. I’m proud of myself, and I’m going to keep it up. I am the boss of myself, the boss of my well being, the boss of my health, the Betes BOSS. xo




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