BetesBlog / Positive Vibes / Spirituality / Tarot Talk

Full Moon Ritual

Full Moon in Aquarius | August 3, 2020

Tonight’s Full Moon in Aquarius is all about you and the collective — work with others, your team, your family, your organizations, your partner to reach your common goal. We have strength in numbers, it’s okay to lean on your tribe for support, and also give support whenever possible.

Let teamwork make the dreamwork this month. Pay attention to how you contribute to the greater good as an individual and how the collective influences you. Think about a small piece of a puzzle, if you are missing one individual piece, the puzzle will be incomplete. Think about how together all of those little pieces make up one big picture, but it wouldn’t be so with out each little piece. This Full Moon is like Yin and Yang, the inner-work and outer-work, it’s about coming full circle and it’s about balance.

With any full moon, she’s here to stir the pot and illuminate everything in your path, whether it be the shadows behind you or what’s in focus up ahead. Whether we like it or not, the full moon will bring to light aspects within ourselves and our society that need to be seen. Take this time tonight, preferably under the moon light, to reflect. Revaluate any previous intentions you set, let go of anything that is not serving your greater good, and right the course.

Take a moment to set new intentions and imagine that they already manifested. How would you feel? Paint the picture in your mind, play it out in your head, feel all of the feels. What would it be like if you had whatever you wanted? How will it feel when you finally reach that goal you’ve been working so hard to accomplish? What will be the look on your face when you attain your dream?

For this full moon I plan on doing just that…

Full Moon Ritual: Water Manifestation

My Full Moon ritual tonight will be to create a MAGICAL MOON MANIFESTATION WATER (Yes, I know, witch) to manifest my intentions. Shout out to The Gem Goddess for her great idea and video on this. The way I’m going to do this is the following:

  1. I will go outside in the moon light and make a list of scripted intentions. Scripting is journaling as if you already manifested what you are aspiring to do, be, or attain. For example, if you want your dream home you don’t write “I hope to find and afford my dream home one day.” Instead you could write it as, “I am so happy to be moved into the home of my dreams. I am so grateful for this blessing. My family and I are so happy, relaxed, and secure in our beautiful new home.” By scripting you are utilizing the Law of Attraction (LOA) by putting the vibrations of those experiences out into the universe as if they already exist. By writing it, you’re feeling it, playing it out in your mind, and experiencing it. With your powerful intention you attract these experiences to come to fruition from the universe. Thank you, Universe!
  2. We’re going to take it a step further (because we’re extra like that) by setting these intentions and infusing the vibrations of these intentions into a bottle of water. Read through your list, line by line as long as it takes while holding this bottle of water. Imagine yourself putting these intentions into the water bottle you’re holding in your hands. Meditate for a second with it. Once you feel like you’ve done enough, leave that water out under the full moon light. The full moon’s energy will amplify these intentions (this works with a new moon too).
  3. Collect the bottle in the morning and take a sip of your magical manifestation moon water everyday for the next 30 days. Each time thinking about your intentions and realigning your own body’s energy with its power. Let’s see what comes to fruition in 30 days!

If you don’t want to get full on witchy with me, at the very least I urge you to go outside under the moon light for a moment. Consciously ground yourself with the earth and imagine yourself pulling this powerful full moon energy into your body. Take a deep breathe, let it all blanket over you. Leave your favorite crystals and tarot cards in the window sill for a cleansing moon bath too.

Happy Full Moon everyone! Let’s realign, refocus, and manifest!