BetesBlog / Big Moments / Featured / Pregnancy

2020: The Start of my Pregnancy Journey

This year was NOT what any of us expected. Looking back at 2019, I was coming off such a high, my year was amazing (2019 Reflection here) and I began 2020 with so much excitement and fire. I was hired by the best company in February, huge shoutout to Super Coffee! I never knew such a company existed. Then a day after my birthday, March 13th, the world shut down out of no where. All plans stopped, everything stopped, the world was in lockdown. Luckily, I was able to keep my job, but everything else was paused. Including trying to conceive a baby.

My doctor asked me why we wanted to wait, because my blood sugars and health are in PERFECT range, something I’ve been working towards for the past few years. I think part of me was afraid, not just of the corona virus and our world right now, but afraid of finally taking the plunge. I’ve always wanted to be a Mom, it’s my biggest dream. I’ve talked about it forever and for the last few years I’ve been prepping myself for pregnancy. Then when I was finally at the point where my health wasn’t an issue, it made everything very real. Now enter 2020 and nothing is normal. There are so many unknowns, and I always imagined my pregnancy being a time surrounded by a lot of love and family. I want to have a baby shower with all of the women in my life, I want to take Eddie and my Mom to ultrasounds and appointments, I want my whole family in the delivery room, and above all I want the healthiest and safest environment for myself and baby. Because of all of this, Eddie and I thought it was best to wait on trying to conceive until 2021. We tried sticking to this plan, however, God had other plans.


After about a week or two of some pretty severe lows, I made a joke to Eddie and said “Maybe I don’t have diabetes anymore, because I keep going low.” His response, was “Yes, or maybe you’re pregnant.” Hmm.. that thought didn’t even cross my mind. Besides the lows I didn’t “feel” any different. I always imagined that I would just “know” I was pregnant. Like just intuitively and innately knowing, I mean I am an emplath, I would definitely know I was pregnant, right?

9.11.2020 – It was a Friday night, Eddie was working overnight and I was just home with Kylo watching TV. I knew I had an extra pregnancy test upstairs so I decided I would take a quick test. I kept forgetting, I probably used the bathroom 2-3 times before I finally remembered at around 10:45pm!

Finally I went upstairs, Kylo was right in tow of course. I peed on the test and set it on the counter and hit the timer on my phone. I started scrolling on instagram and thinking about the result. At that moment I WANTED that positive result, I imagined how I would feel if it was positive, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up. At two minutes the timer went off and I glanced over at the test.

I was so shocked to look over and see a big bold “YES+” on the digital test! I’ve been dreaming of this moment all my life! I took the test in my hand and I walked around the entire house, more like paced around the house. I wad so excited, I didn’t know what to do! I wanted to call Ed but he was working overnight and I didn’t want to tell him over the phone and I didn’t want him rushing home in the middle of the night. So I knew I had to wait until he was home in the morning.

The first person I told was my Mom, of course. I called her at 10:52pm as I still continued walking aimlessly around the house. Luckily, my Mom was awake and I got to share the amazing news. We were both so excited! We hung up and I didn’t sleep a wink that night. I couldn’t WAIT to tell Ed, I knew he was going to be so happy.

The Big Reveal

The next morning, I had a gift box ready for Ed with the pregnancy test and a note. Of course, he didn’t get home at 7am (his normal time). Something happened at work so he didn’t get to head home until 9am. Impatiently waiting, I set up a hidden camera (my phone propped up on some books on the shelf in our room) to catch his reaction when I finally got to tell him.

About an hour later I heard the front door creek open and I wanted to scream! FINALLY! But I kept it as cool as possible. I told Ed I had a gift for him, and he was taking his sweet time getting settled in from work. I brought him into our room so he was in shot of my secret video, and I gave him the gift box. He opened it up and immediately cried with joy. He kept asking me if this was real and he was so so excited. I told him I was pretty sure it was correct but we would take a few more tests today. He held me so close and we enjoyed the best news of 2020, and the very beginning of our new chapter. We also took 3-4 more tests and they all came up positive, whether it was a “YES”, a plus sign, two lines, we did them all!