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Diabetes & Loved Ones

As a Type 1 Diabetic, I’ve always strived to be independent, strong, and brave. I prick my fingers and arms, poke and prod myself with needles and infusion sets, sit with a juice box because my bloods low, or frantically change a ‘no delivery’ pump site in a public bathroom. I try my best not to complain or be phased by the daily frustration of diabetes management, but as you all know it’s hard.

Once a week my husband, Eddie, changes my sensor site for me — and he does it like a pro! If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be able to wear the sensor on my arm, which is the best and most comfortable place in my opinion. He changes the sensor, tapes it up and seals it with a kiss. (Not hard to see why I married this man, am I right??)❤️❤️ This is just ONE example of how Eddie supports me and my diabetes on the daily. With Ed I’m allowed to let my guard down and be vulnerable. I know I can depend on him for help. He doesn’t look at me any differently, it’s just another part of our life that we handle together.

It’s important to let your loved ones help you and take some of the diabetes pressure off sometimes. Even with the love and support of my family I’m still a strong and fierce #BetesBoss who can do it all — I think it actually makes me stronger. Good health isn’t just good numbers, it’s good mind, body, and soul. Sometimes allowing yourself to be mad, frustrated, angry, or sad about diabetes when you’re alone or within your inner circle is healthy in my opinion. Ask my mom – I’ve been known to let out a good cry about it once in awhile. We can’t be tough guys 100% of the time and the reality is that diabetes IS HARD and most of the time it IS FRUSTRATING, SO LET IT OUT! You are doing a great job, so be easy on yourself! Take a second out of your day to acknowledge all you do and give yourself a pat on the back. Shoutout to all of our loved ones who help us out, love us, and support us, we love you for it. ❤️