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For as long as I could remember I’ve been obsessed with knowing my future and having the answers to the unknown. As a kid, I thought that if I got one of those magic eight-balls that I would have the answer to everything. I was so excited when I got one and quickly realized that it didn’t work the way I imagined. My fascination with the occult didn’t stop there, I loved the Ouija board, learning about palm reading, zodiac signs + astrology, and even making my own creepy little voodoo doll. It wasn’t until high school when my friend gifted me my first Tarot deck — “Tarot of Witches.” It’s still one of my favorite decks to use for readings.

I’ve always flirted with the idea of spirituality. It was more of a “hobby” to me. I was raised Catholic, and got married in a Catholic church. My faith is very much important to me. Until very recently I’ve kept my religion and spirituality very separate and also very private. I believed in God, but I also read my Tarot cards. I’ve come to realize that my faith and spirituality are one in the same.

I N T U I T I V E – E M P A T H

I’ve only recently committed to this path fully, I’m open to the universe guiding me and learning all I want and need to know. I’m still obsessed with knowing the answers, that’s never changed for me. I’ve always been very intuitive and have been able to “feel” the energy or vibe. I would gauge people based solely on my “gut” and “a feeling.” I guess I just never really knew how to define this, but I’ve always innately followed my intuition.

Now I’ve been understanding and learning more about this side of me. I am an intuitive empath. I can feel people’s energies and I can take on other people’s energies too. Which is why I strive to surround myself with positive people that love and support me. MANY, MANY, MANY, of you reading this are probably empaths too — you just don’t realize it yet (I’ll write more about this in a post soon).

B E T E S – T A R O T (@betestarot)

I went through this period of awakening: self-love, self-discovery, looking inward to myself as an individual. It was all about grounding, healing, learning, evolving, planning, and laying a strong foundation for all of my intentions. I dug deeper into my spirituality, which I’ve always had lying dormant. I’ve learned to trust my intuition, and use my gifts to help myself and others. GOOD VIBES ONLY, people!

It seems like I’m going down so many different paths at the moment, but I’m learning that all of these parts of me are working together. I’m leaning into my power — my spirituality and intuition is aiding in my mental and physical health, my mental and physical health is aiding in my drive and creativity, and my innate yearn to create and grow will elevate my businesses and platforms, my growing platforms will allow me to use my voice and gifts. As a designer and creator by trade I’m “creating” a healthy and happy lifestyle for myself and my family, and actually feeling fulfilled by doing something that means something and to help other people.


For me, 2020 is going to be actualization, manifestation, continued growth, and everything coming together. My focus is on spreading light and continuing down this life path that I’ve created (or have been guided to). To be confident in myself and be open to the opportunities that are presented. 2019 was a spiritual awakening for me, a cosmic upgrade, a LEVEL UP, and I’ve stepped into this new version of me. I’ve let go of anything that is not serving me and my family. If you already thought I was confident, passionate, and fierce…”2020 Alyse” is 100% that…“WITCH”. I urge everyone to lean into their own power and let everything unfold as it will.

B E – G R A T E F U L

I have sincere gratitude for all I’ve accomplished so far, all the blessings to me and my family, and all the opportunities that were presented to me. Stay humble, stay grounded, stay compassionate, raise your vibration to raise the vibration of the people around you, and be the light – Thank you to God, the universe, my husband, my mama, my Kylo (@kylo_pupp), my brother, my “in-laws”, my whole family, and my friends for guidance, love, support, and continued blessings.

V I R T U A L – R E A D I N G S

If you want a virtual reading by me you can purchase one through the shop! I will meditate on your question and situation at hand depending on what type of reading you want. I will take my time to channel the meanings of your cards and send you back a detailed write-up. These readings are meant to resonate with you and get you to think about your current situation. No future is guaranteed, you are ALWAYS in control of your own future — you can always change the outcome.

R E A D – M O R E

Read more about Tarot, crystals, vibes, sage, and everything spiritual on the blog (Tarot Talk).